
Digital X-ray

All images obtained using digital systems are called digital X-rays. The common digital method used is the CR system that produces digital X-rays on a computer. See the accompanying picture for an idea of how this works.

We are proud to provide high-quality, efficient patient care using innovative and effective digital x-ray imaging systems.

Types of X-Ray Exams:

- Chest
- Shoulder, Arm or Hand
- Hip, Leg or Foot
- Spine
- Sinus
- Skull
- Skeletal Survey (appointment maybe required)

Types of X-ray Procedures:

- RGU.
- Barium Swallow
- Loopogram

No Appointment is Required for most routine x-rays

General Instructions

  • For your own comfort it is recommended that you wear loose clothing or outfits that are easily removed. For example, elastic waists or loose clothing may allow you to move it aside rather than removing the garment. T-shirts are generally easier to move or slip in and out of. Wide pant legs or shorts are recommended if you are having a lower extremity x-ray. Layered clothing is suitable if you are having an upper extremity x-ray.
  • For your own comfort it is recommended that you wear loose clothing or outfits that are easily removed.